Pregnancy in patients with sickle cell disease are regarded as high risk pregnancy, because the Mother and the baby carry a significant risk of death in the process.Some complications of Sickle cell disease detoriorate during pregnancy.Sickle cell disease patients should plan their pregnancy through a preconception Clinic.Pregnancy should be discussed with the Specialist care giver and the Sickle cell patient should be in optimal health before the pregnancy journey is undertaken.
The Pregnant woman should register her pregnancy early at about 8 weeks after the last menstrual period.The registration should be in a specialist health facility.She should have been on folate before the pregnancy, and throughout the pregnancy.Anti malaria drugs to prevent malaria are compulsory.The patients must deliver in a specialist health facility.
A recent study I conducted in Lagos , Nigeria revealed that Sickle cell disease patients have a higher risk of having small babies, caesarean section and still born babies.
Early registration of pregnancy, and delivery in a specialist health facility, will reduce this risk.

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