In sub-Saharan Africa, prevalence rate of pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS is as high as 20% in some regions.
In Nigeria the average prevalence of HIV/AIDS in pregnant women is about 4.1%.
Syphilis infection is a known cause of stillbirth in 30% of cases and another 30% can develop congenital syphilis with associated abnormalities of the brain, bones and skin.
Herpes infection: Herpes infections are of two types. Type I and type 2.Should a mother contract her first genital herpes infection towards the time of delivery; she has a 12% risk of transmitting herpes to the baby.
The WHO has reported that a caesarean section rate of 15% is required to handle maternal and peri-natal complication
Rates of teenage pregnancy range from 143 per 1000 in some sub-Saharan African countries.
Pregnant women form 0.3% of all individuals involved in Road traffic accidents.
150 Nigerian women die daily from complications arising from pregnancy and childbirth, this translates to 54,750 women dying annually from the same cause.